Immigrant Groups Pack Main Plaza to Shout Down Trump

Immigrant rights activists, including many so called 'Dreamers,' who came to Texas as children with their illegal immigrant parents, spilled into Main Plaza last night to shout down President Trump's executive actions on immigration and border security, News Radio 1200 WOAI reports.

Dreamer Jessica Azua, expects the opposition in the streets to grow as Trump continues implementing his immigration agenda.

Now with President Trump being in the White House, it is going to be more about resistance," she said.She says the activists will begin to mount 'higher profile activities,' including marches and phone banks to try to galvanize opposition to Trump's immigration actions.

Azua, who has been in Texas since arriving with her parents when she was 14, says he goal is to send Trump a message.

"I would just tell him that he just needs to get to know us," she said. "We are not bad people.

"The demonstrators vowed to hold 100 events to show opposition to Trump's immigration policies in the first 100 days of his Adminsitration

.Many of the demonstrators last night were angry over Trump's planned crackdown on 'Sanctuary Cities,' saying it shows an unwelcoming attitude toward immigrants and treats them like criminals.

Trump and his advisors are still huddling over the issue of what to do about the Obama Administration's 'Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals' program, which allowed people who came to the U.S. as minor children to remain in the U.S., on the argument that they didn't break the law, and many have no connections to the country of their birth, not even speaking the native language.

Action to repeal DACA could lead to the mass deportations that many of last night's protesters fear.


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